How to Deal with a Plumbing Leak in Your Home

October 15, 2021

If you suspect a severe water leak in your home, you want to pin down the source accurately.

Properly working plumbing in our homes is something that we often take for granted. We turn on the faucet, and water comes on; we need to wash a load of laundry, so we turn on the washing machine and PRESTO; clean clothes. However, this modern miracle can cause great havoc in our lives if something goes amiss. If a pipe bursts or if a major water leak (which usually starts off minor) occurs in a room or rooms of your home, not only can a repair mean big hassles and considerable expenses for you. That's why it is crucial to always be on the lookout for potential water damage in your home to save you time and cost and not disrupt your daily life routine. If you suspect a severe water leak in your home and want to pin down the source accurately, the first thing to do is shut off the water source.

According to Quick and Dirty Tips, by immediately doing this, you may be able to stop more water damage from happening. If it's easy to find the leak source and it has a shut-off valve, the problem may be as simple as turning the water off to that source. Until a professional plumber can come and help you permanently fix the water leak, there is still work to be done. Immediately after the leak occurs, Apartment Therapy recommends cleaning the area thoroughly with a mop to remove excess moisture. Then, focus on gathering as many fans as possible in your home. You should keep these fans running overnight - and a few days after the leak occurred and is fixed - to ensure that the space remains well ventilated and your room's surfaces are dry and in good condition.

It's also best to temporarily rearrange the room's layout so that your precious furniture and decor are kept away from the water; move things to another room for a few days to adequately protect your belongings.  In the weeks following your home's water leak and repair, there are a few things you need to monitor to ensure that your plumber properly addressed the issue. First, you must pay close attention to your water bill following the incident. Most water bills are pretty predictable as you have a general idea of how much your bill is each billing cycle.

However, if you notice an unusually high water bill and you have not been using more water than usual, another leak may be in your home. You will also want to routinely inspect the appliances and fixtures of your house and make sure you don't see wall discoloration (a sign a leak may be occurring) or you don't hear any dripping sounds. Dealing with a plumbing leak in your home can be a stressful situation. Hopefully, the problem is a simple and inexpensive repair. However, if you find that a simple fix does not trick, trust a friend and expert to address complicated leaks before they worsen.

JTM Plumbing prides itself on providing exemplary customer services. We take every measure to ensure you are satisfied with all your residential and commercial plumbing needs and will do whatever it takes to earn your business and remain lifelong clients. To learn how JTM Plumbing can help your plumbing and HVAC systems, visit our services page or give us a call at 402-203-6193.


How to Deal with A Major Water Leak

Common Water Leaks in the Home and How to Fix Them

Leak in Home, What To Do

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